Friday, July 1, 2011

Brewery of the Month: Ninkasi Brewery (Eugene, OR)

Generally, if there isn't a "Brewery of the Month" listed it's because it need not be. If you live in the Willamette Valley (soon this next statement will apply to the entire Pacific Northwest) and you have yet to "worship the goddess," then you are most likely on the list to run out of this beautiful state into some god awful bastion of all things soulless and vile (i.e.: California).

That said, even your most faithful brews find a new way to kick veritable upper-thighs every once in awhile. Ninkasi, has done just that this summer.

It was obvious from the first time I sipped Tricerahops and Total Domination from tasters at local brewfests that Ninkasi was a brewery to follow in the grand success of other great Oregonian institutions (such as Rogue, McMenamins, etc.), but generally their beer was only found off the tap or in 22 oz bottles. The first thing I noticed during my weekly supply run was a nifty new 4 pack of Ninkasi 22s, containing all the staples a hop-addict, such as myself and A, needed: Total Domination IPA, Tricerahops Double IPA, Believer Double Red, and a Spring Reign to help gently croon to our traumatized palates until they found dreams of barley and worts boiling.

The mindblower was 6 packs of 12 oz bottles, below that 12 packs, then, just to make sure we're paying attention, Ninkasi released a new 4 pack of 22s. This one including the more obscure bursts of brilliance such as: Nuptuale (Cream Ale), Maiden the Shade (a summer ale with 7 hops used in the making), Radiant Ale, and Total Domination (lest ye forget who the boss is 'round these parts).

In short, I walked down the aisle to find myself a new adult soda to sip on during the evening. Instead I walked into the local city beer county to see Ninkasi owned these parts now.

To help further the love I already had for these brews, the Ninkasi 4 packs now hold a small code that allows worshippers to download a cd full of local Oregon music acts.

Who doesn't love the hometown hero who makes it big carrying fellow heroes (unsung though the may be) on its back? For this, our default greatest brewery deserved a few words.

1 comment:

  1. I love Ninkasi.....we are up in Prosser, Wa and the two breweries we have I swear are shake and bake brew pubs (aka kit beer). Ice Harbor is pretty good up here, but haven't come across much else in Eastern Washington (Tri-Cities, area).

    I love your background, makes me thirsty. Best of luck fellow homebrewers.
